English III Lesson Plans for September 26 – 30, 2016

M: Introduction to Gone with the Wind: “It’s not about the Civil War, it’s about people with gumption.”

Margaret Mitchell’s approach to her masterpiece.

T: Due to the simplicity of the Puritan lifestyle, they had few possessions, dressed somberly  and uniformly, and didn’t believe in expressing themselves creatively. Because they have left so little behind, they remain a mystery in many ways. Journal Writing – List five personal possessions that best express your individuality. What would they tell future generations about your lifestyle and personality? Write at least one page and no more than two.

W:  Read Edward Taylor biographical sketch, pg. 88. Define direct address. Read Huswifery, pg. 93. Notes and discussion.

Th: The students will view the first installment of Gone with the Wind, noting examples of Scarlett’s level of maturity and main concerns.

F: The students will read Iron Bird: Cal Ripken’s Work Ethic, to conclude The Puritan Influence unit.


A.P. English III Lesson Plans for February 15 – 19, 2016

M: School Holiday

T & W: The students will research the casting, location, music, set decoration, and props for a memo detailing pre-production plans for a movie version of The Raven.

Th: The students will complete SAT-based Vocabulary Lesson 17 Size and Shape

F: The students will type drafts of their Raven memo.

A.P. English III Lesson Plans for February 8 – 12, 2016

M: Student Holiday

T – W: In groups, the students will explicate The Raven, recognizing the sound devices alliteration and repetition, and the four recurring themes in the work of Edgar Allan Poe.

Th – F: The students will do research to write a proposal to produce a movie version of The Raven. The proposal will include setting and location, casting, music, set decoration, and props.

English III Lesson Plans for February 1 – 5, 2016

M: The students will complete a test on sound devices and will read The Raven.

T & W: The students will explicate The Raven.

Th: The students will read and take notes about the biographical sketch of Nathaniel Hawthorne and discuss the inherited guilt aspect of his work.

F: The students will view the video of Hawthorne’s life, New England’s Puritan Son, define allegory, and will complete the vocabulary for Young Goodman Brown.


A.P. English III Lesson Plans for February 1 – 5, 2016

Gothic Literature

M: The students will complete SAT-based vocabulary Lesson 16 Mystery. Due Friday

T: The students will view a video lecture by Elliot Engel, Ph.D, on how events in the life of Edgar Allan Poe influenced his works and complete its accompanying lesson.

W: The students will discuss and take notes on sound devices and the four recurring themes in the work of Edgar Allan Poe.

Th: The students will read and explicate the poem, Annabelle Lee.

F: The students will read The Raven.

English III Lesson Plans for January 25 – 29, 2016

M: The students will complete SAT-based Vocabulary Lesson 16. Raven project and narrative essay explained and assigned (due February 10). The student will research folklore about ravens in different cultures (due Thursday).

T: The students will read and discuss The Tell-Tale Heart.

W: Early Release

Th: The students will report to the class the information they gathered from researching ravens in the folklore of different nations and cultures.

F: The students will discuss and take notes over sound devices and read The Raven.

English III Lesson Plan for September 21 – 25, 2015

M: The students will use a timeline to answer selected questions about the Puritan era and its literature in America

T: The students will discuss and note the convention of poetic structure in the poem, Huswifery, pg. 82, its comparison of salvation to the process of producing a garment, and complete a writing assignment producing a procedural document.

W: Students will be shown selected lines from their love song lyrics homework assignment and asked to identify the line not written in modern times. They will define Puritan plain style, discuss Literary Analysis, pg. 74, and read the Anne Bradstreet biography, pg. 75. Introduce selection vocabulary and read To My Dear and Loving Husband,pg. 76. Complete selection questions.

Th: The students will read Connection of Today’s World, pg. 104, red classroom set. Discussion and notes of Puritan work ethic. Introduce selection vocabulary and footnotes. Read Iron Bird: Cal Ripken’s Work Ethic, pg. 105

F: The students will complete a review for the Puritan Influence test.