English III Lesson Plans for November 16 – 20, 2015

The Crucible

M: The students will identify the motif of resentment and discuss the conflicts of: Nurse vs Putnam, Proctor vs Parris, Parris vs church and Procter vs Putnam.

T: The students will complete the Act I Vocabulary Quiz and read pages 1151 – 1155.

W: The students will complete the Act I study guide; assign roles for Act II. Announce Act I Quiz for Friday.

Th: The students will define and discuss allusion and read and discuss pages 1161 – 1170. Assign Act II Vocabulary Builder.

F: The students will complete the Act I Quiz over the concepts of stage direction and dialogue.

English III Lesson Plans for October 26 – 30, 2015

M & T: The students will review for the A Nation is Born Unit Test.

W: The students will be introduced to the relevant factors that produced the witch hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts, the winter of 1692 – 1693.

Th: The students will complete the A Nation is Born unit test.

F: The students will view the Biography channel documentary, The Salem Witch Trials,  and complete its viewing assignment.

English III Lesson Plans for October 5 – 9, 2015

M & T: The students will be introduced to the Revolutionary Literature unit, red classroom set, pgs. 120 – 125. Patrick Henry biography, pg. 99. Discuss literary terms allusion, parallelism, rhetorical question.

W: The students will read Speech in the Virginia Convention, pgs. 101 – 103.

Th: The students will review for the nine weeks test, to be given Tues, Oct. 13

F: The students will complete the SAT-based vocabulary QUACK! Lesson 2.

English III Lesson Plans for September 14 – 18, 2015

M: The students will begin the Puritan Influence Unit. Notes and discussion of literary term sermon. They will read Jonathan Edwards biographical info pg. 85 Homework due Tuesday, Sept. 15: bring the lyrics of your  favorite love song. Discussion of fire drill and shelter in place emergency procedures.

T: The students will complete the Meeting of Cultures test.

W: The students will read Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God and identify imagery and main points.

Th: The students will take the ASVAB and be introduced to the theme of survival in Gone with the Wind.

F: The students will view the first installment of Gone with the Wind, noting examples of how the characters survive with the changed Southern culture.




English III Lesson Plans for September 7 – 11, 2015

M: School Holiday

T: The students will read the Fredrick Douglass biographical information pg. 519. Slave narrative will be defined and discussed. The students will read an excerpt from My Bondage and My Freedom; discussion and notes. Assignment: My Bondage and My Freedom Vocabulary Builder and Content exercise, due Thursday.

W: The teacher will lead discussion and question students in preparation for a test over the 1492 – 1750 literary introduction material: Journal of the First Voyage to America, The Earth on Turtle’s Back, Journey Through Texas, and My Bondage and My Freedom to be given Tuesday, September 15.

Th: My Bondage & My Freedom Vocabulary & Content exercise due. Lesson on Native American and Anglo influences in American English. Assignment: the students will research U.S. state names to determine which ones are Native American.

F: QUACK! SAT-based vocabulary Lesson 1 video and exercise. Due at end of class.