English IV Lesson Plans for May 2 – 6, 2016

Victorian Poetry – Relationships / Discontent

M: The students will read the Alfred, L0rd Tennyson biographical sketch, pg. 959. Introduce selection vocabulary, pg. 958. Read In Memoriam, A.H.H., pgs. 960 – 962 and interpret  (1) the view of grief, (2) the effect of loss, and (3) the paradox in line 57.

T: The students will read the Robert Browning biographical sketch, pg.977. Introduce dramatic monologue and selection vocabulary, pg. 976. Read My Last Duchess, pgs. 979 – 980. The students will infer the speaker’s response to the duchess’ behavior and support with text evidence.

W: The students will read the Elizabeth Barrett Browning biographical sketch, pg. 985 and read Sonnet 43, pg. 986. Complete Critical Reading pg. 986. Assignment: Cite a popular song that praises love and compare its language, attitude and images with those of Sonnet 43.

Th & F: Introduce mood, pg. 1040.The students will read Dover Beach pgs. 1042 – 1043 and The Widow at Windsor pgs. 1048 -1049 relating the mood to the intended effect on the reader. Discuss the relationship between literature and place.

TEKS: 12.01, 12.02, 12.03, 12.08


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