The Crucible
M: The students will complete the Act 1 vocabulary for a quiz Thursday. Introduce and discuss literary analysis (TEK 4). Discuss making inferences and drawing conclusions while reading pages 1124 – 1134.
T: The students will read pages 1134 – 1140. Discussion of how the plot is propelled forward by the arrival of Goody Putnam and the conflict with the villagers that Parris is trying to avoid.
W: The students will read pages 1140 – 1149. Discuss (a) how combination of stage direction and dialogue reveals Mrs. Putnam’s eagerness to seen signs of witchcraft and (b) how Parris intensifies his conflict with Proctor.
Th: Act I vocabulary quiz( TEK 1). The students will read pages 1149 – 1151. Discuss (a) students’ impression of Rev. Hale based on the dramatic exposition, stage directions, and dialogue, and (b) the details in the dramatic exposition that explain Giles’ Corey’s remarks about his wife, Martha.
F: The students will read pages 1152 – 1157 and discuss how Tituba’s confirmation of Parris’s and Hale’s suspicions adds to the play’s rising action.