A.P. English III Lesson Plans for September 26 – 30, 2-16

M: Introduction to Gone with the Wind: “It’s not about the Civil War, it’s about people with gumption.” Margaret Mitchell’s approach to her masterpiece.

T: Administration of ACT college entrance exam.

W & Th: The students will be in the Plato Lab writing their comparison papers over Our Town and White Oak.

F: SAT-based vocabulary Lesson 5: Jobs and Professions.

A.P. English III Lesson Plans for September 19 – 23, 2016

M – Th: To extend a summer reading assignment, the students will view the play, Our Town, in preparation for writing a comparison paper over 20th-century Grover’s Corner, New Hampshire and 21st-century White Oak, Texas.

F: The students will be in the computer lab preparing a draft of their summer reading comparison paper.

A.P. English III Lesson Plans for February 15 – 19, 2016

M: School Holiday

T & W: The students will research the casting, location, music, set decoration, and props for a memo detailing pre-production plans for a movie version of The Raven.

Th: The students will complete SAT-based Vocabulary Lesson 17 Size and Shape

F: The students will type drafts of their Raven memo.

English III Lesson Plans for February 1 – 5, 2016

M: The students will complete a test on sound devices and will read The Raven.

T & W: The students will explicate The Raven.

Th: The students will read and take notes about the biographical sketch of Nathaniel Hawthorne and discuss the inherited guilt aspect of his work.

F: The students will view the video of Hawthorne’s life, New England’s Puritan Son, define allegory, and will complete the vocabulary for Young Goodman Brown.


A.P. English III Lesson Plans for February 1 – 5, 2016

Gothic Literature

M: The students will complete SAT-based vocabulary Lesson 16 Mystery. Due Friday

T: The students will view a video lecture by Elliot Engel, Ph.D, on how events in the life of Edgar Allan Poe influenced his works and complete its accompanying lesson.

W: The students will discuss and take notes on sound devices and the four recurring themes in the work of Edgar Allan Poe.

Th: The students will read and explicate the poem, Annabelle Lee.

F: The students will read The Raven.

English III Lesson Plans for January 25 – 29, 2016

M: The students will complete SAT-based Vocabulary Lesson 16. Raven project and narrative essay explained and assigned (due February 10). The student will research folklore about ravens in different cultures (due Thursday).

T: The students will read and discuss The Tell-Tale Heart.

W: Early Release

Th: The students will report to the class the information they gathered from researching ravens in the folklore of different nations and cultures.

F: The students will discuss and take notes over sound devices and read The Raven.