M: The students will complete the English III Universal Screener, the remaining class guidelines, and notes over the literature of America during 1492 – 1750.
T: The students will read the Columbus biography, page 12 and define journal, pg. 13. Read from Journal of the First Voyage to America, pgs. 15 – 17. Notes and discussion; complete reading comprehension exercise.
W: The students will read introductory material on the Onandaga tribe, pg. 20, and the literary focus on origin myths, pg. 21. Read The Earth on Turtle’s Back, pgs. 22 – 23. Notes and discussion. Essay: Write about a person from life or fiction who acted selflessly.
Th: The students will read the de Vaca biography and Expeditions in the Southwest, pg. 32, and define exploration journal. Read A Journey Through Texas, pgs. 34 – 37. Notes and discussion.
F: The students will write a one- to two page journal entry from the point of view of Diego, one of Columbus’ crew members, about the first voyage to America.