A.P. English III Lesson Plans for January 2 – 6, 2017.

The Crucible

M: Literary analysis (TEK 4) of Biblical allusions (TEK 7) in the play and Act II Vocabulary Builder (TEK 1) assignments, Wednesday. The students will read pages 1161 – 1165 and discuss (a) the details that suggest tension in the Proctors’ relationship and (b) the meaning of Elizabeth’s allusion to the parting of the Red Sea as it relates to Abigail’s new standing in the community.

T: The students will read pages 1165 – 1169 and discuss the conflict developing between the Proctors and their  community.

W: Literary analysis and Vocabulary Builder assignments due. The students will read pages 1169 – 1175 and discuss (a) the internal conflict that the stage directions suggest that Rev. Hale experiences, and (b) the meaning of Hale’s allusion to the Devil in relation to the accusations against Rebecca Nurse.

Th & F: The students will read pages 1175 – 1181 and discuss (a) how Proctor’s allusion to Pontius Pilate is an insult to Hale, and predict (a) how the poppet will affect Elizabeth’s future, (b) what will be the fate of those accused, and (c) how the charge of lechery  will impact Proctor and his family.

English III Lesson Plans for October 10 – 14, 2016

M: The students will complete a timeline covering the events and literature of the literary era 1750 – 1800.

T: The students will be introduced to the literature of the American Revolution. Notes and discussion.

W: The students will read Patrick Henry”s Speech to the Virginia Convention and identify examples of parallelism and restatement. Notes and discussion.

Th: The students will review for the nine weeks test to be given Tuesday, Oct. 18.

F: The students will view the final installment of Colonial House documentary to verify the results of its prior predicting outcomes lesson.


English III Lesson Plans for April 4 – 8, 2016

The Great Gatsby

M & T: Notes and discussion of pgs. 33 – 38: affair of Tom Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson, the party at NYC apartment, and Nick’s drunkeness.  Point out how Fitzgerald indicates the passage of time. The students will complete the study guide for chapters 1 & 2.

W: The students will read pages 39 – 44, noting the diversity of the guests to establish characterization. Discuss the personalities and the effects of wealth on them.

Th & F: The students will read pages 44 – 79. Notes and discussion on:

  • the representation of the green light
  • the rumors surrounding Jay Gatsby
  • the corruption of the American Dream

A.P. English III Lesson Plans for February 29 – March 4, 2016

M & T: The students will finish reading the allegory, Young Goodman Brown.

W & Th: The students will identify and interpret five faith allegorical statements from Young Goodman Brown.

F: The students will compete SAT-based vocabulary lesson 18 Words with Tales Attached.

English III Lesson Plans for February 1 – 5, 2016

M: The students will complete a test on sound devices and will read The Raven.

T & W: The students will explicate The Raven.

Th: The students will read and take notes about the biographical sketch of Nathaniel Hawthorne and discuss the inherited guilt aspect of his work.

F: The students will view the video of Hawthorne’s life, New England’s Puritan Son, define allegory, and will complete the vocabulary for Young Goodman Brown.


A.P. English III Lesson Plans for January 11 – 15, 2016

To Kill a Mockingbird / SAT-based Vocabulary

M: The students will discuss and complete Vocabulary Lesson 15 Appearances and Attitudes II.

T: During the study of To Kill a Mockingbird, each student has been assigned a set of pages which he/she will be responsible for presenting to the class.Project requirements are: a list of five to ten defined vocabulary words from the selection, a ten-question quiz with answer key, and a five-point outline with which they will lead the class discussion. Discussion points must include characterization of Scout, Jem, Atticus or Boo Radley, theme of the mockingbird image, maturation, prejudice or courage, and setting.

T: pages 212 – 226

W: pages 227 – 241

Th: 242 – 256

F: 257 – 271

A.P. English III Lesson Plans for January 4 – 8, 2016

To Kill a Mockingbird Student-Led Learning Project

During the study of the novel, each student has been assigned a set of pages which he/she will be responsible for presenting to the class. Project requirements are a list of five to ten defined vocabulary words from the selection, a ten-question quiz with answer key, and a five-point outline with which they will lead the class discussion. Discussion points must include characterization of Scout, Jem, Atticus or Boo Radley, theme of the mockingbird image, maturation, prejudice or courage, and setting.

M: Pages 152 – 166

T: 167 – 181

W: 182 – 196

Th: 197 – 211

F: 212 – 226


A.P. English III Lesson Plans for November 30 – December 4, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird

Student-Led Learning Project: During the study of the novel, each student has been assigned a set of pages which he/she will be responsible for presenting to the class. Project requirements are a list of five – ten  defined vocabulary words from the selection, a ten-question quiz with answer key, and a five-point outline with which they will lead the class discussion. Discussion points must include characterization of Scout, Jem, Atticus or Boo Radley, theme of the mockingbird image, maturation, prejudice or courage, and setting.

M: Pages 60 – 74

T: 75 – 89

W: 90 – 104; Quiz over Chapters 1 – 3

Th: 105 – 121

F: SAT Prep Lesson 12