M: School Holiday
T: The students will read the Fredrick Douglass biographical information pg. 519. Slave narrative will be defined and discussed. The students will read an excerpt from My Bondage and My Freedom; discussion and notes. Assignment: My Bondage and My Freedom Vocabulary Builder and Content exercise, due Thursday.
W: The teacher will lead discussion and question students in preparation for a test over the 1492 – 1750 literary introduction material: Journal of the First Voyage to America, The Earth on Turtle’s Back, Journey Through Texas, and My Bondage and My Freedom to be given Tuesday, September 15.
Th: My Bondage & My Freedom Vocabulary & Content exercise due. Lesson on Native American and Anglo influences in American English. Assignment: the students will research U.S. state names to determine which ones are Native American.
F: QUACK! SAT-based vocabulary Lesson 1 video and exercise. Due at end of class.